Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Student please show your parents ASAP!!

Message from Mrs. Johnson:

Hello Everyone,
I hope you are having a great summer so far.  It's almost that time again, Band Camp!!!!  As always we are in need of many things!  We have been able to get some of the meals donated, but not as many as in the past.  As you know,  we feed the kids and instructors lunch and dinner while they are at camp as well as provide them with bottled water.  We want to continue to do this for the kids this year, but without your help the boosters unfortunately will not have the funds to cover the two weeks.  So, with that said I am going to list some things that we need and if you can help please let me know.  You can email or call me at (704) 289-6950.  We will need bottled water and lots of it!!  We also need meals donated, in the past some parents have donated a meal by either purchasing pizza, burgers, etc or by preparing a meal and bringing it in.  I still have several dates available to fill for meals.  As I said earlier we have a few restaurants that have donated sandwiches, but not as many as in the past.  If you are unable to bring items in , you can also send money in and have your student give it to me or Mr. Gibson and I will use it to help purchase meals or water.  I need to check on our supply of plates and napkins, I know we had some left from last year and they are stored in the band closet.  I will let you know about that later.
And finally, we will be having our first booster meeting Tuesday, July 30th at 5:30.  PLEASE try your best to be there.  We need parent volunteers desperately.  Please make it a priority to come out. I look forward to seeing you next week!
Carol Johnson

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